Being a dog owner is very rewarding, but there are many daily challenges. Trying to absorb the multitude of information necessary to keep a furry friend safe, healthy, and well-behaved is too much for any dog owner to keep track of. The goal for this project was to create a functioning app that would allow fur parents to communicate and share their own tips and tricks about behavior correction, health, and cost-efficient ways to raise dogs.
User Insight Statement
Dog owners need easy access to training tools because caring for animals is difficult.
Problem Statement
We believe creating an advice forum for pet owners will eliminate information overload. Our pet forum app was designed to aid pet owners in sifting through advice on the internet. We have observed that pet owners tend to trust information that is shared by other pet owners.
User Testing
Testing Steps
Create a profile
Add a new tip about shih tzus to one of the profiles
Add a new favorite spot to Junie’s profile
Create a new dog profile
Scan the barcode of some new dog treats to access health facts
Feature Prioritization
User Flow
Final Product